Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Everybody Poops!

Okay, so this post might make some laugh and on the other hand just plain gross others out, but any mother who has had little ones will empathize with my plight on Monday, Mar. 3rd. So, Bradley had the day off of school and we were taking the day rather relaxed. About mid day the girls and I were getting ready to have a shower downstairs (it is a big shower with two shower heads, one of which is a movable sprayer, and it has a bench seat for Lindsay to sit on.) Meanwhile, Brad was playing video games on the downstairs TV oblivious to what would lie ahead. I got the girls stripped down (including Lindsay's diaper) and placed them in the dry shower while I got ready to join. The phone rang and it was Shane. I had a 2 minute conversation with him on the phone in the room next to the bathroom in my robe. The girls were waiting in the shower for me to start up the water. Next thing I knew as I was hanging up the phone Emma came out and said, "hey, mom, I got poop on my feet." "WHAT! Where did it come from?"........Emma then said "I think Lindsay Pooped in the shower." "I THINK LINDSAY POOPED IN THE SHOWER" ....UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!! So I entered upon the crisis to find Lindsay had discovered that poop was squishy. There on the floor of the shower was the culprit and LINDSAY had it all over her hands, had stepped in it, had stepped out of the shower onto the rug and towels, had put her hands on the walls and door.... and all in a matter of 2 MINUTES! So at this point Lindsay didn't have a clue what she'd done and I was screaming to Bradley "get the wipes FAST, no, not just the wipes get the CLOROX WIPES...GET BOTH!" So as I was trying to first get the poop out of the shower (so that I could then rinse down Lindsay) she realized that something was not right and began to cry and try to hang on to me...Mind you the poop on her hands, now on my robe. So I flushed the poop from the shower down the toilet and was screaming "Ahhhhhhhhh!" So now Lindsay was really crying and I was wiping her with baby wipes to get the bulk off so as not to spread more poop in the shower. I wiped her down and then start in on the surfaces with the Clorox wipes to clean what she had touched, because just as Midas turned everything he touched to gold, Lindsay turned everything she touched to poop! So, the rug , towels and my robe got thrown in the wash (for several cycles) and I rinsed down the shower and the girls before we even began our regular shower. What a mess, a stinky, icky mess. But with a little elbow grease and a lot of cleaners we got the place spic and span clean again, along with my girls. Poor Bradley's friend kept calling in the midst of all this to see if he could play and all I could say to Brad was "not now we are having a crisis!" (Brad eventually got to go play at his friend's house so all was well in the world again.) What a joy motherhood can be....just not in the midst of this mess. Actually that is not true, even in the middle of all of this as Lindsay was crying she was still trying to give me kisses. Thank goodness she didn't touch her face!


Cally said...

I LOVE IT!!! I can laugh because my major poop disaster (every mother has one) happened years ago so it is funny now. I called my mom in tears asking her if I could just put the chair cusion in the washing machine (it had a zipper to take the fabric cover off). Let's just say two stories of poop prints to clean up - ahhhh! At least your disaster happened before the shower and not during!

The Ball Family said...

three words... gross and funny! OK... more words... glad it was not me :)I am sure it will be some day though.

Unknown said...

I am still laughing and I finished reading it several minutes ago. Every mother has to go through the gross poop mess. Grandma had it all over Doug's crib and wall and him. I had it all over Mark and even in his mouth. But your's is the best, well actually the worst. You will really laugh about it in a few years when Lindsay is a teenager. Then you can tell her about it and she will be totally grossed out. We love you and are glad you are back to normal. Give those kids a hug for me (now that the mess is cleaned up)

Jenn said...

OH! It took me soooo long to read your poop post because I was laughing so hard I was crying! I told Bill about it and he was crackin' up! I can't imagine cute little Lindsay covered in poop! Good thing you can a sprayer. This is definitely one to remember! Hey! Remember our poop fest at the Cache Valley mall after an Olive Garden dinner...Good Times!

Jeff said...

Better yours then mine. She learend this from her dad. How come all the other blogges had photos? Shane said you took some.

Shane and Becky said...

Not! Ha, Ha, Funny, Jeff. I don't think anyone would ever want to document such a sight in visual form. It is bad enough that it is engrained in MY memory forever. Hee, hee. -Becky

stacy said...

there are just things that happen to us as mothers that we NEVER imagined when we were teenagers. i remember that, "my kids would ALWAYS be clean, ALWAYS be happy, NEVER seepk ugly to one another and for sure they would NEVER poop in the shower or tub". ignorance is bliss, that's why we have children in the first place. otherwise we would be dealing with zero population. :) this was hysterical.

Emily said...

What a great story... Your not officially a mother until you have good poop stories!! I love checking in and seeing what you guys are up too. Glen said to tell Shane Hi!! he got some good pinewood derby tips from your blog... It's in a few weeks so we'll see how it goes!!

McKinnon said...

Classic Mom story. By the way, have you read the book "Everybody Poops"?

Mylie said...

Wow Bradley is soooo tall!

Natalie said...

My 4 year older sister tried to eat some of my 6 year older sister's poop from the potty when she was 2. We still tease her about how it stuck to the roof of her mouth and my Mom had to pry it free. YUCK. I think that has to be the worst poop story there is. But it's true that any veteran Mom has a poop story. Mine is when Gunnar was potty training and needed "privacy". He took his plastic potty into my bedroom on the carpet. When I discovered him a few minutes later her had indeed pooped and discovered it was fun to squish through his fingers. It was spread like peanut butter over a 5ftx5ft area of the carpet and all over him. Thank goodness for steam cleaners! It was SO NOT FUNNY at the time, but you learn to laugh at the things that you think will push you over the edge in time. What else can you do if you want to hold on to your sanity???