Okay, So I was telling my friend Cally that I had never been tagged and so she tagged me, only as I checked her comments on her blog noticed that my friend Marci had tagged me on SEPT. 9th and I missed it. Sorry Marci. Okay so hear is my Reply to Marci's tag and the next post will be Cally's.
How long have you been married? Over 12 years
Where were you married? Los Angeles California Temple
Honeymoon? 3 nights Newport Beach, 2 nights Laguna Beach (And we never touched the sand/ocean...but we grew up there so the sand was not as, um, inviting)
How old is your spouse? 35
Who eats more? Shane
Who said I love you first? Me
Who is taller? Shane
Who sings better? Me, definitely
Who is smarter? Depends...Book smarts:Me, Common sense/logical thinking smarts: Shane
Who controls the T.V. remote? Shane
Whose temper is worse? Could be either one, depending on the situation
Who does the laundry? Mostly me but Shane does his share to help
Who does the dishes? Mostly me, but again Shane steps in to help
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the headboard, I do
Who cooks dinner? 90% me, but when Shane does cook it is usually pretty tasty =)
Who is more stubborn? Shane would say me, but I think it is a TIE!
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Um, hum... We both take a bit of persuasion to admit it
Whose parents do you see the most? Shane's, they are only 10 Miles away, mine are in California
Who has more siblings? Me-4, Shane- 2
Who wears the pants in the family? I think we each have one leg, sometimes it is a bit hard to walk that way Ha, Ha
I Tag Bonnie, Emily (my Sis) and Jenn Luce