Sunday, February 24, 2008

Catch Up Day- 5 New Posts

Well, we have been hit with our share of sickness this month. 3 weeks now we've been battling illnesses. I have had a fever for almost a week and the doctors just say its the flu. It has wiped me completely out. My fever finally broke today and so things for me should start to get better. Before me, Shane was wiped out with a high fever and the flu. Before all that it was the Girls and myself again. And oh now Emma has come down with a fever again today and Lindsay has a second ear infection...Needless to say this is why there have been no posts for a while. So I have caught up and there are 5 New Posts in one day, so bare with me and read through them if you have the time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wish I could just pop over and help take care of you all. Our prayers are with you and our love too. Kiss the kids and tell them Grammie and Grampa are thinking of them.