Sunday, February 10, 2008

January 24th Pinewood Derby 2008

Well it has been an eternity since I have posted behind. The girls and also myself have been sick. No fun. Anyway, some who have read Shane's Garage will find the pinewood derby old news so bare with me. Also of note, one may have noticed that I had a playlist of music on this blog that I have removed. We were looking at our blog one day and heard a whole different playlist instead of was all Hispanic music. I don't know if it was a glitch with or if someone was playing a joke, but until I can figure it out, I'll be leaving it off.
The Official Race:
Bradley was eager to get his car racing. He and Shane had so much fun building it. (Again Shane's Garage has more of the technical end of the building process if that interests anyone.)

Emma had an old car of ours to race in the sibling, free for all races. (We made this car in 2000 for a family pinewood derby.) Shane refinished it for this competition with new wheels and better weight distribution.

I don't have any still shots of the races, but Bradley took first place. They did not share the placing and gave a best at award to every scout. Bradley won each race he was in and the award he got was the most coveted Fastest Car.

The Free for All Races: This was supposed to be a dad's competition, but only Shane and one other dad made cars so they combined the siblings and Dads and any scouts that just wanted to race again into one whole. Then they let everyone race at random. Shane's motorized car with remote control was at least 5 car ahead of everyone. All the scouts thought that it was great. Shane let our nephews who came to support and all the scouts take turns trying it out. Everyone enjoyed it.

Shane's car charging in the cultural hall before the races.
Getting ready to race. The Car was amazing. I could not help but laugh!Motorized remote controlled wheel.
Battered after all the racing was done Shane's Car was a hit.


Jenn said...

Y'all are hard core pinewood derby! Congrads to "Brad"ley for winning. Aaron thinks that is pretty cool!

. said...

Hi Becky, So i am blog hopping and saw your cute cute family. Just wanted to say Hi...i will check back often! Love, Tami (Struhs) Hughes